July 4th Hours 12PM-3PM / Wednesday Weekly Video Volume 29

July 4th Hours 12PM-3PM /
Wednesday Weekly Video Volume 29

First things first. Happy Independence Day! Enjoy the day and if you’d like to celebrate at any point by buying some music make sure it’s between 12 and 3PM when we’ll be open. 

Now, here’s some videos to press play on while you’re readying for your celebration of freedom:

Ryan Power “Sweetheart”

Nine Inch Nails “Came Back Haunted” (David Lynch directed)

The World Is A Beautiful Place And I Am No Longer Afraid To Die “Picture of a Tree That Doesn’t Look Okay”

Pissed Jeans “Romanticize Me”

Hoax “Fantasy”

Stellar Om Source “Polarity”

Mood Rings “The Line”

Dean Blunt “Felony / Stalker 7”

Bleached “Dead In Your Head”

JJ DOOM “Bookhead”

One thought on “July 4th Hours 12PM-3PM / Wednesday Weekly Video Volume 29”

  1. I’m the guy who was in this afternoon and we talked about the Beatles boxed set. I just wrote a review on Yelp which you may want to look at — I gave you 5 stars.

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