Greetings all! My name is Quenton and I’m interning at Redscroll Records for the spring semester so I figured it would be a great idea to share a little about myself.
To start, my friends call me by a variety of nicknames such as Qman, Qball, Qbacca, or even Qtispriest (notice the theme?), but honestly I just prefer Q.
I like to consider myself a song and dance man even though I can barely play a guitar. Still, I like to take pride in the fact that I enjoy a wide range of music genres spanning from folk, classic rock, shoegaze, alt-country, and even bossa nova.
Growing up I was raised on Fleetwood Mac as a result of having a dad with a weird Stevie Nicks fetish (don’t ask). I had the good fortune of having a hip older brother growing up who would always bestow upon me his latest musical findings. He really helped me start listening to more left field musical choices like Radiohead, Animal Collective, and Bright Eyes.
Since then I have surpassed him with the superior musical tastes (my personal opinion). I consider the Beatles, the Beach Boys, and Wilco as my first early loves of music; they provided such a great soundtrack to my childhood and high school life. Over the years I have grown to greatly admire Bruce Springsteen, The Flaming Lips, Big Star, and Ryan Adams and consider them as residents of the pantheon of all-time greats.

From here on out, check back here for the latest musings on new releases, old favorites, and local shows by yours truly.