Category Archives: Purling Hiss

Live Music: June 30th Purling Hiss, Estrogen Highs, Inclined Plane

Live Music: June 30th The Young, Purling Hiss, Estrogen Highs, Inclined Plane

Due to  some unfortunate events (close family member of the drummer for The Young passed away) The Young have had to drop off a few dates. This is one of them. The show is going on as scheduled otherwise – chance of music continuing after the bands is also pretty good (pretty pretty good).

We’re happy to officially announce (though there’s a good chance you’ve seen it listed already) that we’ve booked a fine show. 

The Young‘s Dub Egg album is coming out mid-June on Matador records (the promo poster for which was butchered to make the above image). They have a release on Mexican Summer called Voyagers of Legend which you can listen to 4 tracks off of here:

Purling Hiss have a few more releases to their name (on Permanent Records and Mexican Summer among others). Altered States (the now defunct Pitchfork off-shoot for more left of center pleasings) did a nice profile of these guys a bit back. Check that out here.

Estrogen Highs are CT’s own flag bearers of garage rock and stick and poke Hatebreed tattoos (I’m not joking about that; it’s real). We did a spotlight on Estrogen Highs almost a year ago and it’s a nice brief introduction for those that still need it. Get on the ball, people!

Inclined Plane are also of local origin – though more northern. In such a small part of the world, let’s not nit-pick. They basically live in our neighborhood. They don’t play nearly as much as any of either of these bands so it’s really great that we’re getting a set from them as well!

Hope to see many of you there. We, of course, carry music by all of these bands in the shop if you feel so inclined (plane) to pick any of it up before hand!  We do have tickets for the show as well (no additional charge) and so does Intercambio.

June 30, 2012: The Young, Purling Hiss, Estrogen Highs, Inclined Plane at Intercambio (756 Chapel Street, New Haven, CT). 8PM $8 All Ages