Category Archives: Throbbing Gristle

Gristleism – Standard/Modified

Gristleism – Standard / Modified

Gristleism. We sell this item. It’s rather cool. It is so neat that I have decided to do a write up on it here. Basically, Throbbing Gristle and FM3 made a loop device together.

The one hitch with it is that there is no jack/output to plug into. If you don’t need that and you just want to listen and bliss out then the standard old Gristleism box will do. ($24.50 for the standard box – as noted by the price tag in the picture.)   If you want to dissect it yourself that is half the fun for some. (Yes, this device has its own site.) even has a diagram for adding your own jack.  As a word of advice – not all of these look the same inside though they all include the same components.

We (Redscroll) recently garnered the help of our friend Donovan (Roman Wolfe) to modify a few of these to sell in the shop with a jack/output. 

Look for these at the front desk / glass case.  $34 (this covers the extra parts and labor involved while not getting too outlandish – at least we think that).   If you’re seeing this from a great distance we will ship them, sure.  Contact us for shipping quotes.

Finally, I submit this (which is a video nabbed from this review that my friend David Abravenel did on the Gristleism; we also sell the Buddha Machine and the Buddha Machine II):