15th of January 2010 Update (AWK Free Show)

15th of January 2010 Update of New and Key Restocked Items
at Redscroll Records

We have the new Yeasayer “Odd Blood” album on vinyl right now – come by and listen to this at our listening party (whenever the hell you want – just tell us to put it on).
It comes out on CD later.

We also have more Redscroll STICKERS (black and white ones).

We’re also sponsoring a FREE SHOW with Andrew W.K. in Hartford on Feb. 19th. Check the facebook event page for details (Flier at the bottom of this post):

LPs & 12″s
6Blocc “Budda Bye”
Books, The “The Lemon Of Pink”
Cold Cave “Death Comes Close”
Cold War Kids “Behave Yourself”
Curse Ov Dialect “Crisis Tales”
Doom (no more MF) “Gazzillion-Ear EP”
Eagle Twin “The Unkindness Of Crows”
Further Seems Forever “How To Start A Fire”
Goblin “Il Fantastico Viaggio Del Bagarozzo Mark”
Goblin “Roller”
In Cold Blood “Suicide King”
Jansch, Bert “A Rare Conundrum”
J:Kenzo / LD “Conqueror / Derailment”
Joy Orbison “Hyph Mngo”
Kryptic Minds “One Of Us”
Kryptic Minds “768”
Medication “This Town”
Motion City Soundtrack “My Dinosaur Life (+D/L)”
MRK1 “I’ll Kill You”
Nirvana “Unplugged In New York”
Noah D “Hypnotic Elements EP”
Thee Oh Sees “The Master’s Bedroom…”
Okkervil River “Black Sheep Boy “
Rorschach “Remain Sedate / Protestant (Black Vinyl /1000)”
Saint Vitus “The Walking Dead”
Saint Vitus “Heavier Than Thou”
Skream & Cluekid / Silkie “Sandsnake / Cyber Dub”
Spoon “Transference”
Telefon Tel Aviv “Immolate Yourself Single”
Untold “Flexible”
Vampire Weekend “Contra”
Yeasayer “Odd Blood”
Zao “Where Blood And Fire Bring Rest”

Big L “Freestyle History I & II”
Big L “Lifestyles…”
Buzzov*en “Violence From The Vault”
Can “Future Days”
Can “Ege Bamyasi”
Cross Examination “Hung Jury”
Einsturzende Naubauten “Haus Der…”
Freya “All Hail The End”
Patton Oswalt “My Weakness Is Strong (DVD/CD)”
Rain Machine “Rain Machine”
Rorschach “Remain Sedate / Protestant”
Spoon “Transference”
Sutcliffe Jugend “Pig Daddy”
Vampire Weekend “Contra”

Dinosaur Jr. “Pieces / Houses”
Dusted Angel
Frightened Rabbit “Swim Until You Can’t See”
Legion / Mammoth Grinder
Northern Towns / Sharks
Wreak Havoc
Young Widows / Melt-Banana

The Ex: Convoy Tour
House On Sorority Row
Hunchback Of The Morgue
Nunsploitation Collection
Patton Oswalt “My Weakness Is Strong (DVD/CD)”