Waxahatchee Wednesday

Yo! Waxahatchee Wednesday is almost here!
8 pm | $5 | All Ages (No Alcohol*)
||Facebook Event Page||

Ex-PS Eliot singer plays gloomiest acoustic pop. New LP on Don Giovanni.

Road Worrier
Awkward (ie self-aware) rock, with a slight Netflix influence, and a keyboard. Willimantic. Ex-SOFX.
Halfway to Sanity-era Ramones goes garage. New Haven. Ex – Dark Circles, Dead Unx, Zone, etc.

If you don’t know the secret of the location, stop by Redscroll (24 N Colony Rd. Wallingford CT) sometime before the show and they’ll tell you where to go.

*This is a business and we do not have a liquor license. If you show up with alcohol you will be asked to put it in your vehicle (or the vehicle in which you came or otherwise in the trash). If you do not you will be asked to leave. If you further do not the asking will stop and none of us want to deal with what comes next.