6th Of December 2013 Update of New and Key Restocked Items + Reviews
at Redscroll Records
LPs & 12″s
#. “Horizontal Ground 15”
0 (Mika Vaino) “Syvays”
7 Days Of Funk (Dam-Funk & Snoopzilla/Snoop Dogg) “7 Days Of Funk” (+ D/L)
Addison Groove & Sam Binga “BS3 EP”
Akkord “Akkord” (2LP)
Alarms & Controls “Clovis Points” (+ D/L)
AnD “Bow EP”
Artist 1 “Black Sun 1”
Arttu “UFO Funkin'”
Avett Brothers, The “Magpie And The Dandelion” (2LP 180 Gram Gatefold)
Bambounou “Ignition / Take It Out On Me”
Bastard Noise / Geronimo “Intertia”
Bastille “Bad Blood”
Beastmilk “Climax” (White & Red/White Vinyl)
Blake, James “Refixes”
Blood Orange “Cupid Deluxe” (2LP)
Burns, Willie “Run From The Sunset”
CFCF “Continent” (Ltd. Ed. Vinyl Series Color Vinyl + CD)
Creta Kano “Creta Kano”
Damage, Benjamin “Delirium Remixes”
Damu The Fudgemunk “Spare Overtime Re-Inspired”
Dance Chapter “Chapters: Complete Vinyl Discography”
Darkstar “Hd7”
Daze Maxim “DRF”
Death Grips “N0 L0VE DEEP WEB”
Des Ark “Live At WXDU Vol. 3” (+ D/L)
Djoko, William Kouam “Deflourished”
Domo Genesis & The Alchemist “No Idols”
Donoso, Ricardo “One Verse”
Dylan, Bob “Live At Carnegie Chapter Hall, New York City, November 4, 1961”
Edwards, Delroy “FunkinEven”
Egyptrixx “A/B Til Infinity”
Fatso Jetson “Toasted”
Full Color Illustrations “Full Color Illustrations”
Fuzz “Live In San Francisco” (+ D/L)
Gastr Del Sol “Mirror Repair”
Goat “Live Ballroom Ritual” (2LP Gatefold)
Grey Wolves, The “Blood And Sand” (+ CD)
Headless Ghost “77 EP”
Heckle, John “The Last Magic Maker”
Hellogoodbye “Everything Is Debatable” (Bone Vinyl /1000)
Hexagon “Blue Hour EP”
Iguana De Banda “Etiqueta Negra De Lugo” (/1000)
Ike Release “Dream Sequencer EP”
Impiety “The Impious Crusade”
Innershades “No Stopping”
Ital Tek “Control” (+ D/L)
Kinit Her “The Poet & The Blue Flower”
KMFH “Boat Party Bonus”
LCD Soundsystem “Daft (Soulwax)”
Legowelt “Crystal Cult 2080”
Literon “Knob Exploitation”
Lone “Airglow Fires”
Madlib “Rock Konducta Part 1”
Magik Markers “Surrender To The Fantasy”
Marco Polo “PA 2: The Director’s Cut” (3LP Trifold)
Martinez, Cliff “Solaris” (140 Gram White Vinyl)
McCombs, Cass “Big Wheel And Others” (2LP + D/L)
Mira, Eugenio “Timecrimes: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack” (180 Gram)
Moderat “Bad Kingdom”
Morby, Kevin “Harlem River” (+ D/L; Kevin Of The Babies & Woods)
Morphine “Good” (180 Gram)
Mosca “A Thousand Years’ Wait”
Mumdance & Logos “Legion / Proto”
N.A.D. (New Age Dance) “Dawn Of A New Age” (1990 UK Techno + Bonus Tracks)
Niblock, Phill “Nothin To Look At Just A Record”
Orb, The & Lee Scratch Perry “Deadbeat Remixes”
Pampers “Pampers” (+ D/L)
Policy “One Last Time”
Population One “Random Variables”
Profligate “Videotape EP”
Sapphire Slows “Allegoria”
Sei A “Make It Work EP”
Shipwreck A.D. “Abyss”
Slow Walkers “Slow Walkers” (Liz Harris, Lawrence English)
Slowdive “Pygmalion” (Music On Vinyl 180 Gram Reissue)
Sons Of Huns “Banishment Ritual” (2LP Gatefold Clear Vinyl)
Star Spangled Banana “Pebbles 2000” (+ CD)
Stereolab “Cobra And Phases Group Play Voltage In The Milky Night” (2LP Gatefold)
Stereolab “Sound-Dust”(Reissue)
Sweet Talk “Flash Of Light”
Their / They’re / There “Analog Weekend” (+ D/L(
These Hidden Hands “Remixes I”
Tobar, Ricardo “Treillis” (2LP)
Trago, Tom “The Light Fantastic” (Gatefold + D/L)
Turner, Mick “Don’t Tell The River” (2LP)
Vaib-R “Int’l”
Various “Mountains Of Tongues: Musical Dialects Of The Caucasus – Recorded September 2012 – June 2013” (+ D/L)
Various “The Ecstasy Of Gold: 26 Killer Bullets From The Spaghetti West Vol. 4” (2LP Gatefold)
Various “Young Turks 2013.3” (Short Stories, Pional)
Various “Punk 45: Kill The Hippies! Kill Yourself! The American Nation Destroys Its Young – Underground Punk In The United States Of America Vol. 1” (2LP Gatefold)
Various “Disco & Boogie: 200 Breaks And Drum Loops Volume One”
Various “Dekmantel Anniversary Series Part 1”
Various “Mamiko Motto Presents Amada” (2LP + D/L)
Various Artists “It’s Been A Business Doing Pleasure With You”
Vasaeleth “Crypt Born & Tethered To Ruin”
Vasaeleth “All Uproarious Darkness”
Vox Dei “La Biblia” (Deluxe 2LP Argentine Rock Reissue /1000)
Xosar “Retreat 2 Rapture”
Eastlink “Angel Gun”
Endless Bummer “Ripper Current”
Flatliners, The “Caskets Full”
Jae, Jeremiah “Dirty Collections Vol. 2” (/500)
Las Robertas “Dissected Affair”
NOFX “Stoke Extinguisher”
Outcrowd / Written Off “Outcrowd / Written Off” (+ D/L)
Punch “Nothing Lasts E.P.”
Spirit Animal “Real”
Swingin’ Utters “Stuck ID / A Circle”
Teenage Bottlerocket “American Deutsch Bag”
Witchcraft “It’s Not Because Of You” (Ltd. Ed. Color)
Arcade Fire “Funeral”
Brutal Truth / Bastard Noise “The Axiom Of Post Inhumanity”
Cryptopsy “Blasphemy Mad Flesh”
Dead Meadow “Warble Womb”
DJ Diamond “Ghetto Glory Juke 2.5”
DJ Nurotic “Da Juke Capital”
DJ P Nut “Jukin’ Yo Block”
DJ Rell “The Face Off: Juke Vs. Ghetto House”
DJ Roc “Juke City 2: The Take Over”
DJ Roc “Juke City: The Crack Capital”
DJ Roc & DJ D-Block “Juke City 3: The Crack Capital, The Mutenity”
DJ Speed “Crack 4 Tha Circle Killaz”
DJ T-Why “Juke 2 This Volume. 1”
Egyptrixx “A/B Til Infinity”
Goat “Live Ballroom”
Oh Sees, Thee “Singles Collection Volume Three”
Perera Elsewhere “Everlast”
Russell, Arthur “Another Thought”
Secret Chiefs 3 “Book Of Souls: Folio A”
Sioux, Mariee “Faces In The Rocks”
Varioius “Angola Soundtrack 2: Hypnosis, Distortion & Other Sonic Innovations 1969-1978”
Various “L.I.E.S. Presents: Music For Shut Ins” (2CD)
Weekend Nachos “Still”
Husher “Husher” Cassette
Colorguard “No Haven” Cassette
Small Path Music With Laurent Jeanneau DVD
My Bloody Valentine m b v
Just about everyone seems to shower this Dublin alt-rock band with praise, and listening to their third album helped me easily fit in with the crowd. There’s just something about My Bloody Valentine’s distorted, fuzzy shoegazing that makes it feel like swimming through some sort of dizzy, intimate dream, with rich guitars and bass that seem to blend together with the breathy dual vocals. M b v was partly recorded before My Bloody Valentine’s 1997 breakup, with the rest recorded in the second half of the 2000s: despite such a gap, their trademark sound all comes together excellently, making this the perfect follow-up to 1991’s Loveless. “Who Sees You” is a standout for me, melding bright layers of melody that vibrates like the sound on a much-used VHS tape. The instantly infectious “New You” is easily one of my favorites too; it’s the album most “pop” song, but the combination of irresistible guitar-and-drum stomp on a bed of tremolo comes together amazingly well.
[Reviewer: Mark]
Bad Religion Christmas Songs
It may sound incredibly incongruous and ironic that – out of all of the punk bands that could do this – Bad Religion chose to create a Christmas song cover EP. Despite their name, however, their music is really more about fighting conformity than religion, so in this case, Bad Religion fighting the conformists who say that they shouldn’t make a Christmas album. Not surprisingly, their covers sound just as great as I imagined they’d turn out. Rather than songs that contemporary pop singers have covered to death, most of the songs are hymns dating back to the 18th and 19th centuries, making them an easy fit for Greg Graffin’s trademark educated vocal style. My favorite tracks such as “O come, O come, Emmanuel” and “What Child Is This?” translate so smoothly that I’d mistake them for authentic Bad Religion songs if I wasn’t already so familiar with them. All Bad Religion fans should be familiar with the final track: it’s the Andy Wallace mix of “American Jesus,” sounding fuller than the original version.
[Reviewer: Mark]
Deerhoof Breakup Song
I stupidly overlooked this great album when it first came out, so it must be given justice. I mostly know this San Francisco experimental rock quartet for their less “jagged” and more accessible albums such as Apple O’ and Friend Opportunity, but their 11th album is a different story. The angular opener “Breakup Songs” starts with bracing, shrill guitar and a very fractured, hard-hitting beat that’d make for one abnormal, shape-shifting dance. “Zero Seconds Pause” has another of my favorite moments, when the distorted bass buzz gets splashed with straight-from-the-80s synth. This album offers the best of Deerhoof’s worlds, whether it’s soft beauty (“Flower,”) fast-paced noise festivity (“We Do Parties”) or even what sounds like a duet with a lounge-based big band (“The Trouble With Candyhands.”)
[Reviewer: Mark]
As ever, if you’re viewing from a non-drivable distance please check what we have for sale (these titles and more) at http://www.discogs.com/seller/Redscroll