(Not So) Secret Sale On All Stereo Equipment

(Not So) Secret Sale On All Stereo Equipment
Including Turntables! Also including carrying cases! (Because, that’s why.)
Used Stereo Stuff


Spread the joy of listening to records by turning someone new onto it with good quality cheap equipment; or just upgrade yourself! (I suppose you could upgrade someone else as well.)

Friends Listening To Records

There will be no signage or any sort of mention of this in the store (this is the secret part) so to get this discount you have to say, “Santa says I can please have a discount!”

Santa Stereo Discount

30% Off Whatever New Stuff We Have In Stock (special orders will not apply)
40% Off Used Equipment (all in working order – remember though that used stuff has a no return policy)

5santa-claus-is-comin-to-town-2-636_0This discount starts now and will be in effect until the end of business on January 1st 2016 (We will be open New Year’s Day normal hours).