Black Friday DJ Line Up!

We do our best to keep a different line up coming at you from event to event and we’ve asked a bunch of folks who’ve yet to play some tunes for us and we’re pretty stoked on the line up. We’ll get some varied selections to keep us going throughout the day and hopefully keep y’all entertained while you dig through the shop.

DJ Lineup for Black Friday:

12-1:30PM Dan Katz (member of Spit-Take & various other bands from New Haven)

1:30-3PM Juan Butts (member of Terminated  & various bands)

3-4:30PM Ross Menze (member of Mountain Movers, Headroom and various projects)

4:30-6PM Chris Donofrio (helms the current project Interlaken)

6-7:30PM Donovan Fazzino (helms the project Husher, plays in Gun Shy etc.)