Each year we try and get a new crop of folks to select some records for you all while you shop – making it a little livelier than our usual full album at a time atmosphere. The music community and record collecting community within that is vast and great and full of a vast array of great folks we have the pleasure of reaching out to.
We’ve got a fresh batch of selectors this year as follows:
Tom Hogan, drummer
Stints in 108, Youthful Offenders, Voice Of Reason, and various other punk / hardcore projects. He’s also currently part of a jazz trio and used to host a show on 88.7FM, WNHU.
Mario Nascimento of Manic Presents / Premier Concerts
Mario can be found behind the scenes of many of your favorite nights out seeing bands at College Street Music Hall or The Space Ballroom or Cafe Nine or any of the numerous venues Manic / Premier might occupy. He also plays in Lift – featured on our Black Friday Mixtape!
John Miller – Recording Engineer / Mixer / Musician
John keeps a tight circle of friends in the mix when it comes to recording these days, but that tight circle includes some amazing records at the end of the day: Mountain Movers, Headroom and Landing all have recorded with him to great achievement!
Loren Poin, host of Funk Horizons on WPKN
Loren hosts a great radio show and can be found DJing various nights in our county namesake city of New Haven – Firehouse 12 and the State House among them.
Kevin Zakszewski of Redscroll Records
Kevin used to work here regularly and still helps us out from time to time. Kevin has a broad spectrum of music in his daily listening from glistening pop to the wildly experimental. We’ve never asked him to DJ before and we’re psyched to let him loose!