Category Archives: Journalism

Best of the Best of 2012 Lists List

Best of the Best of 2012 Lists List

Youre the best around karate kid

Yes, you read that right.  Just about every year in October speculations and assertions start to be made about the best albums of that current year. That leaves a solid sixth plus (depending on when it gets posted maybe even a full quarter) of the year left!  I find it irksome.  Generally, the response to my comments from friends, colleagues, et cetera is, “It’s probably to sell albums around the holidays,” and that’s probably true to a certain (and probably large) extent.  It definitely doesn’t make it less irksome to see the amount of them that pop up.  The very idea of a best of list is pretty pompous in the first place – it’s actually impossible for any critic to listen to all of the music made in a year. The critic may argue that the filters they have in place for their music consumption lend towards their discernment or some other such rubbish.  It all just lends to further feed arrogance and self-congratulations over how great a list they’ve compiled before all of the music of the year has even been released or possibly even conceived of. Continue reading Best of the Best of 2012 Lists List