Category Archives: music

T-USED-DAY Update for January 21st, 2020

T-USED-DAY Update for January 21st, 2020
at Redscroll Records

Here are some of the latest used arrivals at the shop. Keep in mind this doesn’t include any of the CDs or many of the LPs in the general rock/pop/jazz/anything-in-the-back-room that we get in. This list also builds over the course of a week so sometimes some items are no longer in stock by the time this is posted. We try to avoid that, but it happens. Call ahead if there’s a particular release you’re curious about. These are the in-store prices – if you’d like to find any of these online please visit us here:

LPs & 12″s

8084 “Eight-Oh-Eight-Four” $14.00
A Day To Remember “Bad Vibrations” $8.00
A Perfect Circle “Thirteenth Step” $14.00
A Perfect Circle “Mer De Noms” $15.00
AC/DC “Flick Of The Switch” $6.00
AC/DC “Fly On The Wall” (Old Radio Copy) $6.00
Aesop Rock “Freeze / The Greatest Pac-Man Victory In History” (12″ Single) $3.00
Atmosphere “Ford Two” $9.00
Azna De L’Ader “Zabaya” $13.00
Barry, John “Thunderball (007)” (Soundtrack) $5.00
Berney, Beryl “Rumplestiltskin / Jack And The Bean Stalk” $5.00
Black Sabbath “Mob Rules” $20.00
Blue Cheer “New! Improved! Blue Cheer” (Promo) $24.00
Bullet Lavolta “Bullet Lavolta” $7.00
Childish Gambino “Because The Internet” $55.00
Collective, The “Rainfalls” $2.00
Cosmic Slop Shop “Da Family” $1.00
Crawler “Crawler” $4.00 Continue reading T-USED-DAY Update for January 21st, 2020

17th of January 2020 Update

17th of January 2020 Update of New and Key Restocked Items 
at Redscroll Records

LPs & 12″s

Abba “Oro: Grandes Exitos” (Spanish Language Versions)
Al Qadiri, Fatima “Atlantics: Original Music From Mati Diop’s Film” (Soundtrack)
Algiers “There Is No Year”
Anti-Flag “20/20 Vision”
Apparat “LP5_RMXS” (Ltd. Ed. Blue)
Berjeaut, Antoine “Moving Cities (Produced By Makaya McCraven)”
Bjork “Medulla”
Bolzer “Lese Majesty”
Brotzmann Solo (Peter) “I Surrender Dear”
Caedmon “Caedmon” (1978 Album Reissue)
Catherine Wheel “Adam & Eve” (180 Gram Reissue)
Craven Faults “Erratics & Uncomformities” (2LP + D/L) Continue reading 17th of January 2020 Update

T-USED-DAY Update for 14th of January, 2020

T-USED-DAY Update for 14th of January, 2020
at Redscroll Records

Here are some of the latest used arrivals at the shop. Keep in mind this doesn’t include any of the CDs or many of the LPs in the general rock/pop/jazz/anything-in-the-back-room that we get in. This list also builds over the course of a week so sometimes some items are no longer in stock by the time this is posted. We try to avoid that, but it happens. Call ahead if there’s a particular release you’re curious about. These are the in-store prices – if you’d like to find any of these online please visit us here:

LPs & 12″s
8-Bit Operators / 8 Bit “Pocket Calculator / The Robots” $6.00
Agoraphobic Nosebleed “Frozen Corpse Stuffed With Dope” $12.00
Air “Air Time” $16.00
Angelou, Maya “The Poetry Of Maya Angelou” $18.00
Apache Dropout “Heavy Window” $2.00
Ayler, Albert “The Village Concerts” $18.00
Ayler, Albert Trio “Spiritual Unity” (1973 Mono Pressing) $48.00
Ayler, Albert Trio “Spirits Rejoice” (1970 Stereo Pressing) $42.00
Badbadnotgood “IV” $13.00
Bardens, Pete “Speed Of Light” $5.00
Berstein, Leonard “West Side Story” $3.00
Blade “Lyrical Maniac” (2005 Reissue) $6.00
Blakey, Art & The Jazz Messengers “Mosaic” $25.00
Bonzo Dog Band “I’m The Urban Spaceman” (UK Pressing) $10.00
Brown, James “The James Brown Story (Ain’t That A Groove 1966-1969” $10.00
Buckley, Tim “Greetings From L.A.” $10.00
Buckley, Tim “Blue Afternoon” (Greek Pressing) $15.00
Buckley, Tim “Look At The Fool” $8.00
Buzzcocks “A Different Kind Of Tension” $15.00
Camper Van Beethoven “Key Lime Pie” $14.00
Camper Van Beethoven “Our Beloved Revolutionary Sweetheart” $12.00
Chelsea “No Escape” $10.00 Continue reading T-USED-DAY Update for 14th of January, 2020

10th Of January 2020 Update

10th Of January 2020 Update of New and Key Restocked Items
at Redscroll Records

LPs & 12″s
Acid King “Middle Of Nowhere Center Of Everywhere”
Andromeda “Andromeda”
Bauwaves “U R Everything”
Beach Bunny “Prom Queen EP + Sports” (Baby Pink Vinyl + D/L)
Big Wild “Superdream” (+ D/L)
Bird, Andrew “Noble Beast” (+D/L)
Bird, Andrew “Armchair Apocrypha”
Blind Melon “Blind Melon” (180 Gram)
Briggs, Anne “Anne Briggs” (180 Gram Gold Vinyl)
Burnside, R.L. “Wish I Was In Heaven Sitting Down”
Camu Tao “King Of Hearts” (Red) Continue reading 10th Of January 2020 Update

T-USED-DAY Update for January 7th, 2020

T-USED-DAY Update for January 7th, 2020
at Redscroll Records

Here are some of the latest used arrivals at the shop. Keep in mind this doesn’t include any of the CDs or many of the LPs in the general rock/pop/jazz/anything-in-the-back-room that we get in. This list also builds over the course of a week so sometimes some items are no longer in stock by the time this is posted. We try to avoid that, but it happens. Call ahead if there’s a particular release you’re curious about. These are the in-store prices – if you’d like to find any of these online please visit us here:

LPs & 12″s

7 Days Of Funk “7 Days Of Funk” $8.00
A Day To Remember “Homesick” (Yellow) $15.00
AC/DC “Who Made Who” $9.00
Ackles, David “David Ackles” (Promo) $25.00
Alan Bown, The “The Alan Bown” (Promo) $13.00
Alchemist, The “Rapper’s Best Friend 3” $18.00
Alice Cooper “Pretties For You” (Promo, Straight Label) $40.00
Allen, Martin & Steve Rossi “The Adventures Of Batman & Rubin” $3.00
Apollo Brown “Trophies – Instrumentals” $11.00
Arca “Arca” $15.00
Assembly At Dusk “Assembly At Dusk” $5.00
Astronautilis “This Is Our Science” $18.00
Ayers, Roy Ubiquity “Everybody Loves The Sunshine” $16.00
Baker’s, Ginger Air Force “Ginger Baker’s Air Force” (Promo) $30.00
Barnett, Courtney & Kurt Vile “Lotta Sea Lice” (Sealed) $14.00
Batteau, David “Happy In Hollywood” (Promo) $12.00
Bead Game “Welcome” $55.00 Continue reading T-USED-DAY Update for January 7th, 2020