Clearance Price Records
If you’ve been to the store you probably know we have a lot of records. You might also recognize that space gets tight in those racks. We’ve come up with many creative solutions in our time here to make room for more and more. Well, it’s come time to part with some of one more in that equation to make room for some different more records. We’re doing well enough thanks to all of you that come through these doors (thanks) that we can cut prices on LPs and 12″ EPs and singles that have been here for a bit of time. These are records we’ll not be re-ordering so if there is something (or somethings) that you’ve put off buying now is the time to get it on the cheap.
If you’re not from the area you can find many (most even, but admittedly not all) of our clearance price records for sale online here: Discogs-RedscrollClearance