Category Archives: Podcast

RSR PC 005: Ian Schlein of Records The Good Kind

On this episode we forgo the regular segments (by all means let us know if you miss them or even appreciate it) and talk at length (we could honestly go on and on and we did a bit) with Ian Schlein of Records the Good Kind. Record store owners talking shop about record store things starting with Ian’s backstory and developing into ethical discussion, gripes and lots of other detour topics from record store owners’ perspectives.

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REDSCROLL PC 004: Dan Osto / CT Scramble

On this episode we talk about our favorite releases of the year with Dan Osto of CT Scramble (and of the band All Riot).

Here’s the lists of favorites Josh & Rick are into (listen to the podcast for Dan’s list! And for some other details and for Rick’s rant preceding ever giving a list. Feelings.). The lists have one top favorite each followed by a bunch in no particular order:

Josh’s 2017 Favorites
Top Favorite =
Pissed Jeans “Why Love Now” (Sub Pop)

Dying Fetus “Wrong One To Fuck With” (Relapse)
Myrkur “Mareridt” (Relapse)
Cock Sparrer “Forever” (Pirates Press, Randale, Chace The Ace)
Trepaneringsritualen “Kainskult” (Tesco Organisation)
Mdou Moctar “Sousoume Tamachek” (Sahel Sounds)
Goatwhore “Vengeful Ascension” (Metal Blade)
Suffocation “… Of The Dark Light” (Nuclear Blast)
Vatican Shadow “Luxor Necropolitics” (Hospital Productions)
Les Chasseurs De La Nuit “Nebel Leben” (Heiðrunar Myrkrunar) [technically a 2016 Release, but ehhh this year is when it got listened to]
Darkest Hour “Godless Prophets & The Migrant Flora” (Southern Lord)
Oxbow “Thin Black Duke” (Hydra Head)

Rick’s 2017 Favorites
Top Favorite =
Makaya McCraven “Highly Rare” (International Anthem Recording Company)

Not Waving “Good Luck” (Diagonal)
Applehead “Applehead’s Rache” (Pre-Cert Home Entertainment)
Rainforest Spiritual Enslavement “Ambient Black Magic” (Hospital Productions)
Sevdaliza “Ison” (Twisted Elegance)
Ninos Du Brasil “Vida Eterna” (Hospital Productions)
Teresa Winter “Untitled Death” (The Death Of Rave )
Duran Duran Duran “Duran” (Power Vacuum)
Antoni Maiiovi + the Karakura Orchestra “Abdullah” (Death Waltz / Mondo)
Various “Sounds Of Sisso” (Nyege Nyege Tapes)

Rick’s Honorable Mentions:
Equiknoxx Music “Colon Man” (DDS)
Dirt Devil “Dirt Devil” (Redscroll) [It feels a little dirty putting a record we put out on a list like this and that’s part of why I don’t have it on the above favorites, but hey here we are.]
Stormzy “Gang Signs & Prayer” (#Merky)
Hide “Black Flame EP” (Joyful Noise)
Wiley “Godfather” (CTA Records)
Nidia “Nidia e Ma, Nidia e Fudida” (Principe)
Jlin “Black Origami” (Planet Mu)
Spectral Voice “Eroded Corridors Of Unbeing” (Dark Descent)

[Full disclosure: discovered a problem with Josh’s microphone only after recording and did my best to recover his voice on the recording. We’re getting there with the quality and it’s certainly a New Year’s resolution to elevate it.]

Continue reading REDSCROLL PC 004: Dan Osto / CT Scramble

REDSCROLL PC 003: Randy Larsen & Al Pist

On this month’s episode we once again quickly cover some things that each of us (Rick & Josh) are listening to, go over new releases and list some upcoming shows in greater Connecticut.

Randy Larsen
Al Pist

In between talking to Randy Larsen (Slow Death, Cable) at the beginning and end we talk to Al Oimet of The Pist, M-13 and The Deacons (and various other projects) about growing up a punk in CT who was highly influenced by David Bowie and the upcoming Pist gigs. Continue reading REDSCROLL PC 003: Randy Larsen & Al Pist

REDSCROLL PC 002: Anthony Fantano & Kryssi Battalene

We’re still new so I’m going to repeat this introductory paragraph:
The Redscroll Podcast is a monthly show (first of the month going forward) that works as a companion to what we do at Redscroll Records in Wallingford, CT USA. We are a record store that has a heavy emphasis on the left of center / underground music of the world. Whether it be underappreciated or just has a niche audience, marginalized or just off the radar it’s all of interest to us. With the show we’ll generally have a localized focus. We’ll discuss upcoming releases and what is in our personal rotation at the moment. We’ll talk about upcoming area musical activities. We’ll talk to guests who have to do with all of the above. And we’ll talk about specific dealings with the store. If you have input you’re welcome to contact us through email (

We had some growing pains on Episode 2 here where it sounds like we’re in space (some room sound reverb that new microphones I wasn’t familiar with brought) so just think of it that way. I put some fun space-type bumpers on it to set the mood.

Continue reading REDSCROLL PC 002: Anthony Fantano & Kryssi Battalene

Redscroll PC 001

We have started a podcast!

The Redscroll Podcast is a monthly show (first of the month going forward) that works as a companion to what we do at Redscroll Records in Wallingford, CT USA. We are a record store that has a heavy emphasis on the left of center / underground music of the world. Whether it be underappreciated or just has a niche audience, marginalized or just off the radar it’s all of interest to us. With the show we’ll generally have a localized focus. We’ll discuss upcoming releases and what is in our personal rotation at the moment. We’ll talk about upcoming area musical activities. We’ll talk to guests who have to do with all of the above. And we’ll talk about specific dealings with the store. If you have input you’re welcome to contact us through email (

Show will be available through the following sources (feel free to add this to your RSS feed  Stay tuned as we get it onto ITunes, Google Play and other sources as well. It will always be available here of course.

Continue reading Redscroll PC 001