We now have RSR014: Phemale “City Silk” LP available for sale!

We (all of us at Redscroll) were stoked when Phemale (Michael Donahue) said he’d release a record with us and we were doubly psyched when he gave us “City Silk.” It is honestly (and honestly prejudicially) my (Rick) most played record of the year. It rules. If you haven’t yet read the Impose article in which Mike describes the narrative behind his music I suggest you do that now (http://www.imposemagazine.com/features/phemale-michael-donahue).
“I was immediately transfixed by Phemale’s peculiar pop music, unbound by genre or pretension… I was obsessed.” – Jane Chardiet (Impose Magazine
In short: Mixed media artist Michael Donahue has been creating music as Phemale (previously Female until changed to avoid confusion with a long time electronic music producer from across the Atlantic Ocean) prolifically and under the radar since 2008. Pop music with a weird slant and mostly minimal approach.
This track, “Plastination,” appears on “City Silk” as track #5:
Elm Recordings also has a tape out now called “Everything’s Haunted” which Kryssi (of Elm Recordings) describes as the twisted cousin of “City Silk.” It has a similar outer ascetic and inside is “an unsettling soundtrack of intricately arranged sound collage loosely based on the life and times of supermodel Gia Carrangi.” We have some of these for sale as well.
The LP is out of 150 and the tape is hand numbered out of 75.
So, now that you’re totally into Phemale you can own these things and listen on repeat by clicking below:
Phemale “City Silk” LP (RSR014) $14.98
(US Shipping Only – International Sales Through Discogs Here)
(And if you’d like to just buy the tape just head over to Elm Recordings linked above or stop into the store.)
WIll these be available digitally?
Digital rights belong to the artists and he’s said that he will put the songs up eventually, but if you want them now or anytime soon you have to buy them physically.
Buy this record! Listen to Phemale!