T-USED-DAY Update for May 3rd, 2016
at Redscroll Records
Here are some of the latest used arrivals at the shop. Keep in mind this doesn’t include any of the CDs or many of the LPs in the general rock/pop/jazz/anything-in-the-back-room that we get in. This list also builds over the course of a week so sometimes some items are no longer in stock by the time this is posted. We try to avoid that, but it happens. Call ahead if there’s a particular release you’re curious about. These are the in-store prices – if you’d like to find any of these online please visit us here: http://www.discogs.com/seller/Redscroll
LPs & 12″s
AC/DC “Back In Black” $7.00
Anakrid “A Monstrous Dose Of Poison” $6.00
Angelic Upstarts “Still From The Heart” $15.00
Atlantic/Pacific “Meet Your New Love” (White) $6.00
Azita “How Will You?” $5.00
Backtrack “Lost In Life” (Olive Green) $7.00
Backtrack “Darker Half” (Clear Purple / Silver Splatter) $12.00
Baddat For Trubbel “Det Har Ar Inte” $5.00
Balance And Composure “Separation” (Yellow) $14.00
Barbaras “2006 – 2008” $7.00
Battle Trance “Palace Of Wind” $9.00
Bauhaus “4AD” $10.00
Big China & Little Trouble “Black Blood Of The Earth Pts 1 & 2 & Fur & Teeth” $6.00
Big Eyes “Almost Famous” $5.00
Big Pink, The “Future This” (Pink) $6.00
Black Death “Jesus Wept” $6.00
Black Pacific, The “The Black Pacific” $5.00
Black Swans, The “Don’t Blame The Stars” $4.00
Black Swans, The “Occasion For Song” $6.00
Black To Comm “Earth” $6.00
Blank Dogs “Diana (The Herald)” $5.00
B-Lines “B-Lines” $5.00
Blkout “Point Of No Return” $5.00
Blood Axis “Born Again” $18.00
Blood Ceremony “The Eldritch Dark” (Red) $12.00
Blood Warrior “Blood Warrior” $6.00
Blow, The “The Blow” $7.00
Boilerman “Loss Leaders” (#82/100) $5.00
Bon Jovi “Bon Jovi” $6.00
Bone Awl “Not For Our Feet” $8.00
Braxton, Anthony “For Trio” $9.00
Bunwinkies “Maps Of Our New Constellations” $3.00
Burn Your Life Down “Don’t Try” $4.00
Burning Itch “Burning Itch” $4.00
Buzzcocks “Another Music In A Different Kitchen” $23.00
Byrne, David & St. Vincent “Love This Giant” $15.00
Cain, David “Drama Workshop: The Seasons” $5.00
Cale, John & Terry Riley “Church Of Anthrax” $12.00
Can “Monster Movie” (2008 UK Unofficial Pressing) $17.00
Can “Flow Motion” (2010 German Reissue) $17.00
Can “Peel Sessions” (Green Marble 2LP Unofficial UK 2010) $20.00
Carlos, Walter “Sonic Seasonings” $7.00
Cassandra Complex, The “Grenade” $8.00
Castevet “Mounds Of Ash” $8.00
Chamberlain, Matt “Company 23” (Clear) $5.00
Charming Snakes, The “Ammunition” $4.00
City Center “Redeemer” (Sealed) $3.00
City Of Ships “Minor World” $5.00
Cleared “Cleared” $5.00
Coasters, The “Young Blood” $10.00
Cocteau Twins “Victorialand” (UK 1986 Pressing) $27.00
Cohen, Linda “Lake Of Light” $8.00
Colossloth “Antipathy In Nature” $6.00
Columboid “We Were One” $5.00
Contortions “Buy” $18.00
Creatures “Vesuvius” (Grey W/ Orange) $6.00
Crystal Mansion, The “The Crystal Mansion” (Sealed) $20.00
Cultus Sabbati “The Garden Of Forking Ways” $5.00
Danse Society, The “Demos Volume One” $9.00
Dark Angel “Live Scars” $8.00
Dawn Of Midi “Dysnomia” $26.00
Daylight “Jar” (Orange/Hot Pink) $12.00
Dead Kennedys “In God We Trust, Inc.” (Reissue) $14.00
Death Grips “Money Store” $15.00
Delay “Plain Language” $6.00
Denning, Wade “Sounds To Make You Shiver” (Filed In Soundtracks) $3.00
D’eon “LP” $7.00
Disko, Barry Andrewsin “Kuka Siella?” $6.00
Divorced “Separation Anxiety” $8.00
Dixon, Willie “I Am The Blues” $10.00
Doozer, The “Keep It Together” $3.00
Echo & The Bunnymen “Echo And The Bunnymen” $6.00
Elders “Blind Rage” $5.00
Evens, The “Get Evens” $12.00
Evens, The “The Odds” $9.00
Evens, The “The Evens” $10.00
Exit Music “From Silence” $4.00
Fat History Month “Fucking Despair” $12.00
Five O’clock Traffic “Aside From Dreams And Hallucinations” $5.00
Ford, Lita “Lita” $8.00
Forensics / Textbook Traitors “Forensics / Textbook Traitors” $5.00
Forgetters “Forgetters” $11.00
Fungus Brains “Ron Pistos Real World” $5.00
Gang Of Four “To Hell With Poverty!” (UK Pressing) $7.00
Gap Band, The “Outstanding” $8.00
Geils, J Band “Flashback” $5.00
Ghostigital “Don’t Push Me” $4.00
Gospel Music “How To Get To Heaven From Jacksonville, FL” $7.00
Green Day “Warning” (Pink) $18.00
Grup Estel “Nadal” $10.00
Guru Guru “Don’t Call Us, (We Call You)” (1973 German Pressing) $19.00
Guyana Punch Line “Maximum Smashism” (Orange) $5.00
Hail! Hornet “Hail! Hornet” $7.00
Hale, Mike “Lives Like Mine” (Grey w/ Red) $4.00
Hand To Man Band, The “You Are Always On Our Minds” (Yellow Translucent) $5.00
Hardside “2009-2011” $5.00
Hollis Brown “Gets Loaded” (Starburst) $7.00
Hostage Calm “Please Remain Calm” $8.00
Hot Chocolate “Cicero Park” (Import) $8.00
Human League, The “Travelogue” $10.00
IFOTS “Who Will Help Me Wash My Right Hand” (Yellow) $8.00
Imperial Teen “Feel The Sound” $9.00
Inca Babies “Scatter” $3.00
Iron Reagan “Worse Than Dead” (Clear) $12.00
Iron Reagan “The Tyranny Of Will” $12.00
Jade Warrior “Reflections” (1979 UK Pressing) $10.00
Jade Warrior “Way Of The Sun” (1978 UK Pressing) $12.00
Joyce Manor “Joyce Manor” (2nd Press Coke Bottle Clear) $16.00
Joyce Manor “Of All Things I Will Soon Grow Tired” (Clear) $10.00
Kicking Spit “Psychrockbullshit” $6.00
Kiss (K.I.S.S.) “Animalize” (Club Edition) $7.00
Kleyn, Carol “Takin’ The Time” $4.00
KLF, The Ft. Children Of The Revolution “What Time Is Love?” $6.00
Knuckles, Frankie “Beyond The Mix” $10.00
Laswell, Bill “Baselines” (Promo) $8.00
Leather Nun, The “Force Of Habit” $6.00
Lee, Byron & The Dragonairs “Tighten Up” (G+/G+ Check Condition) $8.00
Lloyd, Richard “Field Of Fire” (Swedish Pressing) $8.00
Locrian / Mammifer “Bless Them That Curse You” $9.00
Lorries, The “Crawling Mantra” $8.00
Los Hacheros “Pilon” $15.00
Love Language “Libraries” $7.00
Mace “The Heavens Are Already Theirs” (Yellow) $6.00
Make Do And Mend “Everything You Ever Loved” (Black / Gold Splatter) $8.00
Man Forever “Pansophical Cataract” $5.00
Manix, The “Neighborhood Wildlife” $4.00
Mansell, Clint “Filth” $10.00
Matthews, Yuuki “Funny Morning” $4.00
Me First And The Gimme Gimmes “Sing In Japanese” $5.00
Meat Beat Manifesto “Strap Down” $4.00
Medication “This Town” $5.00
Melchior, Dan “Ghost In The Supermarket” (White) $4.00
Milk Maid “Yucca” $6.00
Mission, The “Virgin: A Rock Opera” (2LP Box Set) $10.00
Mogwai “Earth Division EP” $8.00
Mothers Of Invention “The **** Of The Mothers” (German Pressing) $20.00
Mulcahy, Mark “Fathering” $8.00
My Cat Is An Alien w/ Nels Cline “The Ocean Above Your Heads” $5.00
Myrow, Fred & Malcolm Seagrave “Phantasm” (Soundtrack, Mondo Records – Red/Black Swirl) $42.00
Nico “Procession” (UK 1982 EP) $14.00
Nuclear Family “Nuclear Family” $4.00
Oak “II” $5.00
Ola Podrida “Ghosts Go Blind” $7.00
Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark “Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark” (Sealed, Water Damaged Sleeve) $10.00
P.S. Eliot “Sadie” $10.00
Plotnick, Henry “Fields” (Clear) $10.00
Pop Group, The “For How Much Longer Do We Tolerate Mass Murder?” $30.00
Pop Group, The “For How Much Longer Do We Tolerate Mass Murder?” (Unofficial “Italy” Pressing) $11.00
Pop Will Eat Itself “Box Frenzy” $5.00
Pop Will Eat Itself “This Is The Day… This Is The Hour… This Is This!” $8.00
Pop Will Eat Itself “Now For A Feast!” $7.00
Portion Control “Go-Talk” (Single)(UK Pressing) $9.00
Praxis “1984” (Bill Laswell Project) $8.00
Primal Scream / MC5 “Music From The Film Black To Comm” (Red) $10.00
Protestant “In Thy Name” (Clear/Black Smoke) $6.00
Residents, The “Meet The Residents” (3rd Press Crawfish Cover) $23.00
Ridgemont “Colder Days” $5.00
Ritual “Beneath Aging Flesh” (Blue / Black) $5.00
Roller “Wasted Heritage” $6.00
Ruffcats “The Essence Volume One” $6.00
Rumour, The “Purity of Essence” (UK Pressing) $6.00
Running “Asshole Savant” $6.00
Sadier, Laetitia “La Piscine, An Invitation By Laetitia Sadier To Keep On Swimming” $8.00
Sarcofago “Decade Of Decay” $15.00
Schnauss, Ulrich “A Long Way To Fall” $10.00
Schnitzler, Conrad “24 / 06 / 11” (Blue / Orange) $8.00
Servile Sect “Realms Of The Queen” $8.00
Severed Heads “City Slab Horror” (1985 UK Pressing) $20.00
Sex Gang Children “Song And Legend” $15.00
Sex Gang Children “Sex Gang Children” (Live Unofficial Recordings 1983) $15.00
Shackles “Traitor’s Gate” $4.00
Shitty / Awesome “Shitty / Awesome” $5.00
Siege “Drop Dead” $7.00
Silk Flowers “Days Of Arrest” $5.00
Slayer “Hell Awaits” (Picture Disc 2008 Edition) $16.66
Soccer Team “Real Lessons In Cynicism” $12.00
Sonic Youth “Halloween” (Homestead Pressing) $13.00
Sonic Youth “Bad Moon Rising” $25.00
Statues “New People Make Us Nervous” $5.00
Stevenson, Laura “Wheel” $10.00
Stevenson, Laura & The Cans “A Record” (Gray) $12.00
Still Born “Answers Left Unquestioned” $5.00
Stuck Lucky “Possom Soul” $3.00
Subhumans “The Day The Country Died” (UK 1998 Reissue) $12.00
Suicide Booth “Aura EP” $5.00
Survive “MF064” $14.00
Sutekh Hexen “Become” $10.00
Tack>>Head “Friendly As A Hand Grenade” $6.00
Tangerine Dream “Stratosfear” $9.00
Thrasher “Thrasher” (Southington Prog Synth Rock) $48.00
Titus Andronicus “Record Store Day” $3.00
Tones On Tail “Pop” $15.00
Trainwreck “If There’s Light It Will Find You” $5.00
Trees “Sickness In” $16.00
Tucker, Corin Band “1,000 Years” $7.00
Twisted Sister “Come Out And Play” $6.00
Twisted Sister “Love Is For Suckers” $6.00
Twisted Sister “Come Out And Play” (Pop Out Cover) $7.00
Ultrabunny “Volume Merchants / Unsafe At Any Age” $5.00
Unholy Crucifix “Ordo Serverum Satanae” $7.00
Union Town “Union Town” $4.00
Van Halen “5150” $6.00
Van Halen “OU812” (Sealed) $8.00
Van Halen “II” $4.00
Van Halen “Fair Warning” $6.00
Vanishing Leper “Vanishing Leper” $5.00
Various “Louisville Is For Lovers” (Red) $5.00
Various “Best Of… Unsound Bands (83-85)” $3.00
Various “Toronto’s Burning” $3.00
Various “Sgt. Pepper Knew My Father” (Sonic Youth, The Fall, The Wedding Present, Billy Bragg…) $6.00
Various “Two Of A Kind” (Soundtrack) $3.00
Various “Perfect” (Soundtrack) $2.00
Various “Pretty In Pink” (Soundtrack) $12.00
Various “Fuzz Dance” (Alexander Robotnick, Gina & The Flexix…) $4.00
Various “Sound City – Real To Reel” (Soundtrack) $10.00
Varukers “One Struggle One Fight” $5.00
Victimizer “Resurrected Abominations” $5.00
Villains “Road To Ruin” $5.00
Waller, Fats “The Great Fats Waller” $5.00
War, Gary “Police Water” $5.00
Wasteland “Wasteland” $3.00
Waters, Muddy / Little Walter / Howlin’ Wolf “We Three Kings” $16.00
Whips/Chains “Master/Slave” (Red) $6.00
White, James & The Contortions “Second Chance” $10.00
Wicked King Wicker “Wicked King Wicker” (Purple /490) $5.00
Winterpills “All My Lovely Goners” $6.00
Wire “Snakedrill” (UK Pressing) $8.00
Wolves And Thieves “11” $10.00
Young Adults “Black Hole” $7.00
Young Guv “Ripe 4 Luv” (Blue) $7.00
Yuppicide “Fear Love” (White) $7.00
Yuppicide “Dead Man Walking” $7.00
Yuppicide “Shinebox” $7.00
Zebras / E=MC Hammer “Parasitic Clones Under The Strong Arm Of The Robotic Machine / Hurns” $4.00
Zodiac Mindwarp And The Love Reaction “We Are Volsung” $7.00
Zomby “With Love” $14.00
Beatles, The “Let It Be” $8.00
Beatles, The “The Long And Winding Road” $8.00
Enemy Soil / Corrupted “Enemy Soil / Corrupted” $9.00
Femacoffin “Femacoffin” $4.00
Hellshock “World Darkness” $4.00
HMN-BDS / Leather Chalice “HMN-BDS / Leather Chalice” $5.00
Mauser “End Of The Line” (Red) $4.00
Needles “Desesperacion” $5.00
Vile Gash “Deluded” (Red) $4.00
Cassette Tapes
Lunglust “As Guilt Collects Dust” $3.00
Magedo / Terzakis “Magedo / Terzakis” $4.00
Spiral Joy Band “Black Earth Hymns” $6.00